Friday, January 27, 2006

Back Home

It's been great to be gone for a few days, and our retreat was a lot of fun, but it's also great to be back home and settling into normal life again. The retreat was great, particularly the time spent with other pastors and wives. When we first started going to these things, my wife and I were the youngest people there by 5 years or more. But things have changed over the last few years and now we were actually able to spend time with other people our age who are facing similar struggles and triumphs. It's always great to know that you're not alone and the issues that you face are the same ones that your friends face. The thing that I liked best was that there wasn't much posing. The people we spent time with were willing to admit when things were hard and actually have real conversations about it. The only person that asked "How many people are at YOUR church?" was an older guy who didn't really mean it the way it sounded. This afternoon the kids will be back and reality starts no more sleeping!


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