The Jesus Creed
This is a great statement of what Jesus is like. Sometimes I think we make discipleship a little more complicated than it needs to be. This is a nice reminder of the centrality of Jesus to all of life and faith. I read this in church this morning and people were weeping.
The Jesus Creed
We have confidence in Jesus
Who healed the sick, the blind, and the paralyzed.
And even raised the dead.He cast out evil powers and
Confronted corrupt leaders.
He cleansed the temple.
He favored the poor.
He turned water into wine,
Walked on water, calmed storms.He died for the sins of the world,
Rose from the dead, and ascended to the Father,
Sent the Holy Spirit.We have confidence in Jesus
Who taught in word and example,
Sign and wonder.
He preached parables of the kingdom of God
On hillsides, from boats, in the temple, in homes,
At banquets and parties, along the road, on beaches, in towns,
By day and by night.He taught the way of love for God and neighbor,
For stranger and enemy, for outcast and alien.We have confidence in Jesus,
Who called disciples, led them,
Gave them new names and new purpose
And sent them out to preach good news.
He washed their feet as a servant.
He walked with them, ate with them,
Called them friends,
Rebuked them, encouraged them,
Promised to leave and then return,
And promised to be with them always.He taught them to pray.
He rose early to pray, stole away to desolate places,
Fasted and faced agonizing temptations,
Wept in a garden,
And prayed, 'Not my will but your will be done.'
He rejoiced, he sang, he feasted, he wept.We have confidence in Jesus,
So we follow him, learn his ways,
Seek to obey his teaching and live by his example.
We walk with him, walk in him, abide in him,
As a branch in a vine.We have not seen him, but we love him.
His words are to us words of life eternal,
And to know him is to know the true and living God.
We do not see him now, but we have confidence in Jesus.Amen.
© Copyright 2003-2006 Brian McLaren
Well Corey,
we have made this blog a little less lonely, by making only you, to us two. This creed, inspires me to show this loving kindness to non-believers. One thing I have noticed at Crown, is that people spend more times complaining about the world, rather than confront the problem which is the believer.Jesus had no problems confronting the pharisees (matt. 5:20,5:24) He really confronted the fakeness in them, he warned people about how they prayed in the streets to be heard, how they threw their money in the offering to be seen, and how they rambled off so they could be seen as wise. He took ordinary people like you and I and made them extrordinary. I am glad to see this within us,I am glad to know you, you have meant alot to me, you are up front in saying you are not perfect, and teach the grace of others, and speak out on treating those in need with better standards than they are recieving.
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