Sunday, January 29, 2006

One of those days

In our church experience, we've often found that the days where everything goes wrong are the days that people encounter Jesus most powerfully. This morning was one of those days. It started with a call at 7:00 from Tom, who was scheduled to lead worship. At least I think it was Tom. He had no voice at all and was feeling absolutely miserable and couldn't lead the music. That wasn't really a problem. I wasn't preaching today, so I jumped in to lead. But when you're picking music at 8:00 for a practice that starts at 8:15, things are going to be a little hectic. So hectic, in fact that I printed the exact same things on each side of the bulletins. Yet no matter how frazzled things seem, when we invite Jesus to come and meet with us, he does.

A bunch of my coffee shop friends came to church today and really enjoyed it. I think they'll be back next week. My brother's coworker visited for the first time and he said that he'd be back next week. It seems like people can tell when you're not just playing church, but actually wanting to meet Jesus and become more like him. I think normal people are attracted to that, even those that don't yet know him.


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