Emergent Cohort
Last night I found myself in a pub in St. Paul with the Twin Cities Emergent Cohort. This is a group of young adults who are asking questions about the way we think about our faith and theology, but even more, about the practical aspects of ministry in a postmodern culture. It is exciting to be able to toss around ideas and suggestions and encourage one another on our faith journeys. Next month, we'll be talking about sin. Here's some questions that I'm tossing around:
- In the "hierarchy of sins" that we've established, do we have the right sins at the top of the list?
- Is our definition of sin big enough...shouldn't we talk about the sins of our culture that lead to poverty, homelessness, race issues, and a whole host of other social sins?
- What does personal holiness look like in a postmodern context, where many of the former definitions no longer apply (particularly dealing with our list of external behaviors that we must stop or start if we're REALLY holy).
Agreed about the "hierarchy of sins" thing. That was more of a tongue-in-cheek statment of how the church has generally viewed discipleship. If we avoid these certain sins (the ones that our group has decided are MOST evil) and then exhibit these certain external behaviors (the ones that are group has decided are MOST beneficial) then we are following Jesus. Jesus has to be central, and I think that in exploring Jesus' heart, values, and priorites, we would find that our view of discipleship is far removed from his (and in fact is far more like that of the Pharisees as condemned in Luke 11 and elsewhere).
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